The Andover Baseball Associations' mission is to provide an educational, safe, and fun environment. This will be achieved for the children of Andover through playing our National game of baseball.

Our goals and objectives include:

- Improving each child's baseball skills and abilities,
- Improve and add to our existing baseball fields and facilities,
- Provide safe/protective equipment, and
- Explore new avenues to reduce cost to our participants.

We believe organized baseball is more than the bats, balls, gloves and uniforms. Our organization wants to make available to our children the opportunity to learn the aspects of teamwork, the virtues of character, courage, loyalty, the respect for authority, and, the self discipline that enables our youth to lead our nation tomorrow. Our organization is made up of entirely volunteers, many of whom work year round to plan and do as much as possible in the interest of our players. We thank all the parents/guardians and players for all of your support.

- The ABA